Fit India Quiz 2022 is India’s biggest quiz on sports and fitness with the cash prize of ₹ 3.25 crore to school and students. It gives a unique platform to students from each and every nook and corner of the country to showcase their knowledge in sports and fitness and providing opportunity to feature on National Television. In its first edition, Fit India Quiz 2021, a total of 36,299 students from 13,502 schools participated in the Fit India Quiz. In the national finals, state/UT champions from 36 state/UTs competed in the national rounds. 40% of the schools featured in the National Rounds were government schools.
In the second edition, Fit India Quiz 2022, 61,981 students from 16,702 schools participated in the preliminary rounds held on 8th & 9th December 2022. These 16,702 schools were located in 702 districts of India. The state/UT rounds for Fit India Quiz 2022 will be held in the month of April 2023 followed by national finals in the month of June 2023
The 3rd edition of the Fit India Quiz was officially launched by the Hon’ble Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports, Shri Anurag Singh Thakur, on August 29th, 2023, in celebration of National Sports Day. The Fit India Quiz 2023 follows the resounding success of its predecessors, Fit India Quiz 2021 and Fit India Quiz 2022, and is designed to raise awareness about health, fitness, and our rich sporting culture, including indigenous games, among school-going children.
Registrations for schools are now open.
To register, visit-
Registration click here
How to Register
Guidelines click here to download
“Fit India School Quiz 2023” is organized to engage school children from across the country to promote the message of Fit India Movement among school children and increase its effectiveness in schools. Fit India Quiz will also provide a national platform for students to showcase their knowledge about fitness and sports. It strives to create awareness among the students about centuries old indigenous sports, our sports heroes of the past and the history of traditional Indian sports.
Students of all secondary and higher secondary schools of government, aided and independent schools can be registered in this quiz and students of class 8 of upper primary section can also participate. Schools need to be registered on the Fit India website to register for the quiz. If the school registration is not done then registration for the quiz will be done after registering the school first. Guidelines for the quiz are attached. In view of which all the schools of your district are requested to encourage maximum number of students from your level to participate in "Fit India School quiz 2023".
Special Note- Fit India Quiz Registration on Fit India website
Started from Monday 04/09/2023. Last date of registration is 04/10/2023, Wednesday
Organized internal quizzes for school students of school students
will select, and preliminary round of registration of this selected student
will do for
• To give all the schools an opportunity to register for the preliminary round
will come
• The school has to enter at least two students on the Fit India website (https:// for quiz registration.
* There will be a registration- fee of Rs 100/- per student for registration.
• Registration- fee school composite of a maximum of two students in a government school
can be filled from the grant. This is an internal quiz to select two students
Planning has to be done,
Qualified School Details of Student Nominated as Quiz- Partner
will be given on the Fit India website. * Giving certificate to the students who participated in the preliminary round
will come In honoring schools with maximum student participation
will come State level round will be organized on well- planned digital platform for 4 to 32 teams from qualified schools.
Rounds 1 to 12 will be held at this level to select a state champion based on the number of schools that qualify.
All these rounds will be moderated by professional quiz masters, which will be broadcasted on social media platforms. Quizzes can be done in mixed language by incorporating the local language. This quiz also includes local sports questions
can be done National round One team from each state or union territory makes a total of 36 school teams can go to the national round.
Fitness & Health Tracker
The Fit India Mobile App is one of its kind App wherein citizens can assess their fitness parameters through a series of simple tests and further get ways for the improvement of fitness on regular basis.Additionally, Fit India Mobile App is having features like setting daily activity and fitness goals, activity tracker, water intake, calorie intake and sleep tracker etc.