H TAT mukhya shikshako ni khoti Badlio karva babat

H TAT mukhya shikshako ni khoti Badlio karva babat

Chella 5 varsh ma htat badli karvama aavel che teni mahiti mangavvama aavi te babat latter
Life360’s Family Locator simplifies life in the digital world by making it easy to stay connected to the people who matter most.

With Life360 you can:
• Create your own private groups, called “Circles,” of loved ones, teammates -- whoever matters most and chat with them in Family Locator for FREE.
• View the real-time location of Circle Members on a private family map that’s only visible to your Circle.
Finding Family
The Life360 app uses state-of-the-art GPS location technology to report the real-time whereabouts of those that have accepted your invitation to join your circle and share their location. Simply install the Life360 Family Locator app on your phone, and invite your family. Once registered, each member appears as a unique icon on the navigational map so you’ll know exactly where they are. No need to send annoying “Where are your?” or “What’s your ETA?” texts, the Life360 Family Locator puts this information at your fingertips. And to make life super easy, we send you alerts the moment your family arrives at an appointed location!

DiskDigger can undelete and recover lost photos and pictures from your memory card or internal memory. No rooting necessary!* Whether you mistakenly deleted a photograph , or maybe reformatted your memory card, DiskDigger's powerful data recovery features can find your lost pictures and allow you to restore them.

You can upload your recovered files on to Google Drive, Dropbox, or send them via email. The app also allows you to save lots of the files to a special local folder on your device.

H TAT mukhya shikshako ni khoti Badlio karva babat

Chella 5 varsh ma htat badli karvama aavel che teni mahiti mangavvama aavi te babat latter