According to the above subject and reference, to state that regarding Veergatha Project 3.0 dt. Online VC from MOE was done on 6/9/2023. Which was taken by the Additional Secretary of MOE, shree Vipinkumar, in which the students of Gujarat state have been instructed to participate in large numbers.
• Pursuant to MOE's letter the date of Veergatha project has been extended till 30.9.2023. Take note of that.
215 (Rank- GCERT Veerathà 3,023/
Ph.Director: (079) 23256808-39 Director: (079) 23256808
Gujarati Kishodhannetalim Parishad Vidya Bhavan, Sector-12, Gandhinagar V- (079) 23256813 Web : 08 SEP 2023
Fax : (079) 23256812 E- mail director-
As per the said reference-2 in this project to display the total number of students of class wise category (Class 3 to 5, Class 6 to 8 Class 9 to 10 and Class 11 to 12) of all the schools of Gujarat state on MyGov Portal and upload category wise best four works among them. to do – If the school is of class 1 to 5, then 4 works can be uploaded from class 3 to 5 category.
♦ If the school is of class 1 to 8, 2 works from class 3 to 5 category and 2 works from class 6 to 8 can be uploaded.
♦ If the school is of class 1 to 10, then 1-1 from class 3 to 5 category, class 6 to 8 and class 9 to 10 out of total three and any one category. Four works can be uploaded.
If the school is from class 1 to 12, a total of 4 works can be uploaded, 1-1 from all standard wise categories.
• At district level, registration of students of all schools in their cluster through CRC and uploading 4 copies of each school.
• To monitor the registration of schools in its cluster by BRC. •
• To register the students of all the schools in their complex through the SVS convener at secondary and higher secondary level and upload 4 copies of each school.
• Monitoring of the said matter by AEI, AI of district, continuous monitoring at all levels by Nodal Shri appointed at district level and
Provide constant guidance.
• On 18/9/2023 online video conference report will be taken regarding registration from GCERT level.
Veergatha Project 3.0 Babat Paripatra
Veergatha on line entry information video
Video 2 click here to view